Prohibition of entering Ashiu Forest

Since June 23 2024, Asian black bears have been frequently seen near the Ashiu Research Forest Office and on the premises every day.

A mother and child black bear were seen around the Yuragawa bridge (bridge of the trolley track) during the daytime on June 23.
Child bears were also spotted on the Ashiu Research Forest premises at around 7:30 p.m. on June 24 and 10:30 a.m. on June 25.

Not only at night, but also during the daytime, they have been sighted on the premises, and since they are a parent and cub, the situation is more dangerous than before.

For the above reasons, we prohibit public access to the Bunanoki Pass and the trolley tracks until the situation improves.
We ask for your understanding and cooperation for your safety.
The largest primary forest in western Japan, this is a magical place for nature lovers. With a wide variety of flora and fauna, this forest is beautiful and distinctly different in each of the four seasons. 

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