Useful information before you come to Miyama
Miyama Climate
Miyama is located in the center of Kyoto Prefecture and its climate is rather categorized as Japan Sea area, with lots of rainfalls throughout the year (average annual rainfall is 1,509mm). If you stay overnight, please be prepared for sudden rain or other weather changes.
Average temperature in Miyama is 2 to 3 degrees Celsius below urban area. We recommend you to wear slightly warmer clothes than usual. It becomes chilly in the morning and at night although it may be warm during the day. We recommend you to bring a jacket or cardigan you can put on, to be safe.
<Winter (December to February end)>
Miyama is relatively snowy area. Be prepared for snowfalls in winter. We recommend you to wear water-proof shoes with grippy soles, even if you are coming by public transportation.
Tourist Information
- The tourist information assists visitors with questions regarding travel planning, making bookings and provide recommendations on sightseeing spots and/or activities in Miyama.
- Contact KYOTO MIYAMA TOUISM ASSOCIATION for your travel planning in Miyama!
English guided tours are also available. *Reservation required.
EVERY DAY (expt,MON&WED) JPY 2,200~/pp, Duration 60 min
Electric bicycle rental service is available here. *April~November
Credit Card
A few of inns and shops in Miyama do not accept credit cards. We recommend you to carry sufficient JPY cash before you come to Miyama. Also, only cash is accepted on the Nantan city bus.
ATM and Currency Exchange
ATMs of Japan Post Bank accept cards issued abroad. (click below for further information)
International ATM Service
There are 5 Japan Post Bank branches (with ATM) in Miyama .
- Miyama Branch
Mon – Fri 8:45 – 18:00
Sat 9:00 – 17:00
Sun 9:00 – 15:00
- Hiraya branch
Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:30
Sat 9:00 –12:30
- Miyama Naka Branch (close to Kayabuki-no-sato)
Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:30
Sat 9:00 –12:30
- Nijinoko Branch
Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:30
Sat 9:00 –12:30
- Tsurugaoka Branch
Mon – Fri 9:00 – 17:30
Sat 9:00 –12:30
Inns or shops within Miyama provide cash exchange services
Temporary Luggage Storage Service (free of charge)
Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00 (closed on Wed.)
Medical Support & Emergency support
Some useful links
- Guide for when you are feeling ill in Japan
- Closest medical institution from Miyama with English speaking doctors - Kyoto city hospital
Although most emergency operators in Kyoto don’t speak English, they can usually refer you to someone who does. Speak slowly and clearly. Words such as “fire”, “police,” and “ambulance” should be understood.
Ambulance 119
Fire 119
Police 110